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Amazon, Google and DeepMind support Bulgaria to become an AI research powerhouse

Today, the first AI institute in SEE opens doors in Sofia to grow the Bulgarian scientific community, attract, develop, and retain local and international research talent, as well as accelerate the economic and social innovation impact in the region. The Institute for Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Technology (INSAIT) is created in partnership with ETH Zurich and EPFL Lausanne, two of the world’s leading technology universities, and is structured as a special unit of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

New partnership with Bulgaria for artificial intelligence

Today, the Institute for Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Technology (INSAIT) has been launched in Sofia. INSAIT is a new Bulgarian Institute established in partnership with ETH Zurich and EPF Lausanne.

Europe has a new deeptech research powerhouse on its way

Deeptech startups and investors, pay attention. There’s a new computer science and AI institution in the works — backed by Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google and DeepMind — and it plans to nurture the next wave of deeptech startups and entrepreneurs.

Мартин Вечев от новия AI институт: Ще задържим талантите тук. И ще променим страната

България рядко може да бъде определена за пионер в която и да е сфера в Европейския съюз. Но на 11 април ще положи началото на организация, която може да се превърне в глобален академичен двигател за иновации – високотехнологичен институт в София, чиято амбиция не е да е просто регионален лидер, а да съперничи на институти като MIT в САЩ или Technion в Израел.

Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin to meet Bulgarian president and EU research commissioner in Sofia

Bern, 07.04.2022 – Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin, Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER), will inaugurate the Institute for Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Technology (INSAIT) in Sofia on 11 April. During this visit, he will also hold talks on research, innovation and education in the context of Swiss-Bulgarian and Swiss-European cooperation.

Български учен разработва нов изкуствен интелект

Български учен спечели 2 млн. евро за разработване на нов изкуствен интелект. Наградата е от Европейския съвет за научни изследвания. Проектът ще може да се прилага в сфери като медицина, самоуправление на автомобили, финанси и сигурност.

Български учен спечели 2 млн. евро за проект за нов тип изкуствен интелект

Prof. Vechev receives ERC Grant for outstanding research

INSAIT’s Supervisory Board Chair, Professor Martin Vechev, receives ERC Consolidator Grant for his research in secure, fair and resilient AI. The mid-​career award is given to outstanding researchers with highly promising scientific track records.

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