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Open Tenure-track and Tenured Faculty Positions at INSAIT

INSAIT is delighted to announce its call for tenure-track and tenured faculty positions with outstanding conditions, happening for the first time in Eastern Europe!

The first INSAIT conference became an unprecedented event for the region

An INSAIT conference under the motto Emerging Trends in AI and Computing Research was held on 30.09 and 01.10.2022 in the John Atanasov Hall, Sofia Tech Park, Sofia, Bulgaria, with the participation of 16 world-renowned researchers from Google, Waymo, AWS, MIT, ETH Zurich, EPFL, Max- Planck, and Yale presenting in Sofia the latest achievements in […]

Първата конференция на INSAIT стана безпрецедентно събитие за региона

Конференция на INSAIT под мотото Emerging Trends in AI and Computing Research се проведе на 30.09 и 01.10.2022 в зала Джон Атанасов, София Тех Парк с участието на 16 световноизвестни изследователи от Google, Waymo, AWS, MIT, ЕTH Zurich, EPFL, Max-Planck, и Yale представяйки в София последните достижения в информатиката и изкуствения интелект. Конференцията отбеляза прецедент […]

World-leading computer and AI scientists arrive in Sofia for the first INSAIT conference

Top researchers from Google, Waymo, AWS, MIT, ETH Zurich, EPFL, Max-Planck, and Yale will present in Sofia the latest and most exciting research in the field of computer science and AI. INSAIT – The Institute for Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Technology welcomes world-renowned scientists in the field of computing and artificial intelligence at a […]

VMware announces $1.5M founding grant for INSAIT to bolster world-class research and innovation in Bulgaria and Europe

The partnership aims to attract high-caliber talent and world-class faculty and train the next generation of technology researchers and engineers Sofia, Bulgaria, Sept. 8, 2022 – VMware Inc. (NYSE: VMW) today announced a relationship with the first Artificial Intelligence (AI) and computer science institute in Eastern Europe, the Institute for Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and […]

VMware подкрепя INSAIT с грант от 1,5 милиона долара, за да стимулира технологичните иновации в България и Европа

Целта на партньорството е да привлече изследователи и специалисти на световно ниво и да подготви следващотопоколение иноватори и инженери. София, България, 8 септември, 2022 VMware обявява партньорството си с Института за компютърни науки, изкуствен интелект и технологииINSAIT. Чрез тази инвестиция, компанията цели да подкрепи високотехнологичната научно-изследователска дейност в България и Европа. Чрез своя фонд за […]

INSAIT PhD program discussion with Prof. Martin Vechev

A detailed discussion on the INSAIT PhD program with INSAIT’s architect Prof. Martin Vechev.

Prof. Luc Van Gool talked with The Recursive about how to turn a longstanding brain drain into brain gain.

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